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  • Writer's pictureColleen Kristinsson

What Makes a Witch

We all have images in our heads of witches from fairytales, movies and television. There are many stereotypical images that come into our minds when we think of the word witch; there is the old hag with the wart on her nose flying around on her broom stick, there are the cool hip witches who kick demon arse every week from charmed and then there is everyone’s favourite domestic witch Samantha from Bewitched just to name a few. So, what indeed makes a witch? Firstly, we don't all have warts on our noses though I suspect that there are a few of us out there who do. Each witch has their own individual style and personality the same as anyone else. In other words we are people just like you. Many witches are very nature based and have a strong connection with the spiritual world but many people in society do these things as well and would never consider calling themselves witches. Once again this is an individual thing not a witchy thing. I think that there is only one thing that unifies witches all over the world; the belief deep down inside their soul that they are indeed a witch and that they identify with whatever their version of a witch entails. Some witches worship Gods and Goddesses from one pantheon, others believe in Gods/Goddesses from many different pantheons, others believe in just the Goddess and others still believe in the power within themselves. Even though all these beliefs are different they can all still be filed under the heading of witchcraft. Being a witch is about choosing your own way, your own belief system, believing in yourself and having a spiritual connection with the universe. Not all witches do spells or perform rituals but some of us do (including me). Most witches celebrate the eight sabbats (Harvest Festivals) but do so in different ways and even at different times of the year depending on which hemisphere of the world you live in. Some witches choose not to celebrate them at all. An often asked question of a witch is do you have any powers? My answer to that is that I believe we all have powers some of us just don't know what they are or how to tap into them yet. All of us have things we are skilled at and these are our powers. Some witches are psychics, mediums, shape shifters, astral travellers or have healing hands but not because we are the chosen special ones but rather because we have learnt to connect with the awesome power of the universe. Some people have a natural affinity for this, just as some people are naturally musical or artistic. If we spent years learning to play the flute we would eventually become good at it even if we didn't have much natural aptitude for it in the first place and it is the same with these abilities it takes practice, practice, practice for some and for others it takes no effort at all and even happens on occasions where we don't want it to. I guess what I am trying to convey here is that witches are unique human beings just as everyone on this earth is unique, it is just that these people have found a definition of witch that suits who they are, what they believe in and how they decide to live their lives. I have heard people, even and sadly often, other witches who say you can't be a witch if you don't do this, that or the other thing - there is so much judgement in the world already it is beyond my understanding why people would want to create more especially other people who call themselves witches. Most witches turned away from organised religion in the first place due to all the judgement , rules and regulations that are perpetrated by these religions, so it seems ridiculous that now we are trying to place rules on each other. There really is only one rule that all people should follow witch or not and that is "Do what you will be it harm none". In other words do what you want as long as you don't hurt anyone (this anyone includes you as you are the most important person). You are a witch if deep down in your soul you feel like a witch, if whatever explanation of a witch you identify with resonates within your whole being. If these things happen for you then precious one you truly are a witch and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Blessed Be

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