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  • Writer's pictureColleen Kristinsson

Review - Twelfth Night

Love can be a very confusing game to play, as the characters in this Shakespearean comedy discover. With mistaken identities, unrequited love, hidden passions and revelry all playing their parts to make this a comedy that spans all time. We fall in love with the young Viola shipwrecked with her brother and twin, Sebastian in the land of Illyria. Fearing her brother is drowned Viola sets off into the town and acquires a job as a manservant to the Duke Orsinio. To get the position she disguises herself as a young man called Cesario. When Viola sees the Duke she falls in love in an instant yet dressed as a man she is unable to express her desires. So, instead she has the painful job of delivering love messages from the Duke to the Lady Olivia. These love messages, to Viola's relief are always turned away as the Lady Olivia refuses to entertain thoughts of love whilst still mourning her brother.

Though this is the Lady Olivia’s stance she seems to find herself attracted to Duke Orsino’s messenger boy, Cesario who unbeknownst to her is a woman, Viola in disguise. As confusing as the scenario is at this point, it gets even more complex and humorous when we discover that Viola’s twin brother Sebastian was not drowned at sea but also washed up in Illyria with his loyal comrade Antonio. Antonio knows that this land is where Duke Orsino resides as they are sworn enemies, but because of his loyalty to Sebastian agrees to follow him into the town. Throughout the play we also encounter Olivia’s rowdy and oft drunk uncle, Sir Toby, the ridiculous Sir Andrew Aguecheek who believes that it is he who will get Olivia to cease her mourning and choose him as a suitor, Olivia’s gentle woman, Maria, the court jester Feste and the very arrogant and sour Malvolio, Olivia’s manservant. It is these other household characters that provide most of the comical action.

One of the most hilarious scenes being where Malvolio is tricked by Maria and Sir Toby into believing that the Lady Olivia has feelings for him. They achieve this through a letter which encourages Malvolio to wear yellow tights which are cross gartered and be of a jovial persuasion as this is what the Lady Olvia wishes. It is side splittingly funny to think of this dour manservant flitting around with an inane grin wearing these colourful garments. Of, course when Malvolio does this Olivia believes he has taken leave of his senses and is locked up. As for the foolish Sir Andrew Aguecheek, he also wishes Olivia's favour and becomes insanely jealous when he learns of her affection for Cesario (Viola) and challenge him to a sword fight. At the time of the duel instead of encountering Cesario, Sir Andrew and Sir Toby run into Sebastian and attack him believing that he is the disguised Viola (Cesario). Olivia comes in during the fight and believing Sebastian to be Cesario begs the bickering to cease and pleads with Sebastian to marry her. Sebastian cannot believe his luck and falls in love with the beautiful lady at first sight so agrees.

While this is all occurring Antonio is arrested by Duke Orsino's men and as he is being led away sees Cesario (Viola) who he thinks is Sebastian and pleads for his help. Viola insists she does not know Antonio and in despair he names his friend Sebastian a betrayer. On hearing this Viola realizes that her brother must still be alive and starts off to Olivia’s house. When Viola arrives there the Lady Olivia embraces her calling her husband, at this moment the Duke Orsino arrives and is enraged that his beloved manservant has taken the Lady he has been trying to court. Before more confusion can reign, Sebastian comes in and all is revealed. Finding out that his beloved manservant is a woman is a great surprise and delight to Duke Orsino who asks Viola to marry him and, of course she agrees. A letter then arrives from Malvolio explaining he has been the victim of Sir Toby and Maria's trickery. Due to this Malvolio is released and swears to take revenge for the prank. He is the only one in the play that seems not to achieve a happy ending.

This play is the perfect showcase for Shakespeare’s brilliant multileveled storytelling and his razor-sharp wit. It is I believe Shakespeare’s best work.

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