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  • Writer's pictureColleen Kristinsson

True Feminism will unfuck the world

The world is somewhat fucked. We are a completely hypocritical bunch who espouse righteous indignation at others while revelling in our own immoral quagmire. Everywhere feminist flags are waved in support of our sisters but the minute they start achieving something one of the flag bearers themselves will take a pot shot at the unmentionable breast to make sure her bosom buddy remains below her on the non-existent totem pole of life. If a woman dares to feel confident in her intelligence, her beauty or her talent then the rest of the so called sisterhood will happily undermine her. After all, why should one of us feel good about ourselves when the rest of us are still struggling? It is worse still if this warrior of womanhood acknowledges an understanding of the assets she was blessed with instead of downplaying them. This woman will be labelled full of herself, up herself or in love with herself. I wonder though, what is so bad about being in love with yourself? The world is full of people who hate themselves, full of insecure fucked up arseholes who have to go around verbally or physically abusing people just so they can feel better about themselves. Quite frankly sometimes just so they can feel anything. I am smart. I know I am smart. If, however, I dare to acknowledge this in any way or even to proudly share my achievements I get either silence, a roll of the eyes or a sarcastic or rude “of course you can do that it is easy for someone like you.” Do you know what is not easy for someone like me? It is not easy for me to have to go around pretending to be dumb, it is not easy for me to have to use small words instead of the ones that come naturally to me because when I use bigger words people indicate that I am trying to make them feel inferior. It is not easy for me to see other people share their achievements and get praised for them and told how amazing they are because they have dome something wonderful when all I get is stony silence or sarcasm. It is not easy for me not to be myself just because it will make you feel better about yourself. We all believe in a woman’s right to shine unless there is a possibility that she might out shine us. We think we have come such a long way from when they burnt witches at the stake but aren’t we just burning them on social media now instead? I implore you to put down your pitchforks. I implore you to take the time to get to know and love yourselves. I implore you to truly love and support other woman even if you know they will outshine you. I implore you to be a true feminist not the fake modern semblance of one. A true feminist does not judge other women. A true feminist does not tear other women down. A true feminist does not only support those who are like them but all women. A true feminist understands for a woman to truly be empowered she needs to be championed to be herself in every way and be encouraged to shine her light out into the world. Don’t shoot other women down. Raise them up. Cheer when you see their pride in themselves. Shout their achievements to the world. The world is fucked up enough. Maybe we could unfuck it a little if we forgot about our own insecurities and were inspired by those women who have learnt that to love yourself is not a sin but a gift to the world which it could use more of.

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Oct 12, 2020

Love it, an extremely true statement which needs to be learnt and understood.

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