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  • Writer's pictureColleen Kristinsson

The Wonder of Water - Hydro and Hydrothermal Therapy

What is Hydrotherapy and Hydrothermal Therapy?

These therapies are based on the mechanical and thermal effects of water and heat. The body's reactions to hot and cold stimuli are used as well as the pressure exerted by the water and then sensation that this causes. These therapies relieve physical discomfort as the water reduces body weight by 90% and promotes psychological wellbeing. Hydrotherapy and hydrothermal therapy have been used to heal in many cultures for a long time such as ancient Rome, China and Japan. A Bavarian monk named Father Sebastian Kniep reintroduce the therapeutic use of water to the 19th century.

Benefits of Hydro and Hydrothermal Therapies

1. Promotes relaxation.

2. Reduces stress.

3. Promote socialisation through water games.

4. increases general feelings of health and wellbeing.

5. Improves body image.

6. Improves confidence, balance and coordination.

7. Provides a sedative effect when warm water is used.

8. Helps teach people with intellectual disabilities to communicate.

9. Eases pain

10. Improves spatial ability.

11. Improves concentration.

12. Soothes sore and inflamed muscles.

13. Rehabilitates injured limbs.

14. Eases labour pains.

15. Stimulates the immune system.


1. Spa with pressurised Jets – good for sore muscles and relaxation

2. Swimming or walking in Pool - good for injured limbs, getting general fitness back to normal levels after illness, injury, stroke or heart attack.

3. Sitz Baths – Going from warm to freezing water alternately – good for haemorrhoids, anal fissures, recovering from surgery, constipation, diarrhoea and abscesses on the lower body.

4. Exercises such as leg lifts in the water – good for injured limbs, getting general fitness back to normal levels after illness, injury, stroke or heart attack.

5. Water Balloon games – helps with coordination and cooperation.

6. Water Noodle Games – fun and co-operation.

7. Games where you do a specific action with the water like drip and you have to say the word while doing it – good for speech problems, communication for people with disabilities and stroke patients.

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