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  • Writer's pictureColleen Kristinsson

The Scars of Sleep

She lay running fingers through the open wound.

bare in the cool night air.

She knew the more she poked and prodded it

the worse it would become.

Her nails pierced deep, and she winced with the memories,

the tragedies that had been and those which would never come.

She tried to turn her mind to happier times, there had been many,

but she was trapped in a cage from which she could never escape.

Sleep when it came was just as harsh as reality,

for the wound followed inside haunting her slumber.

As she tossed and turned the wound tore open

allowing more space for the horrors of the world to pour in.

She heard screams and was wrenched from her nightmare,

only to realise it was the echoes of her own voice she was hearing.

The sunlight fell upon her face, and she revelled in it just for a moment,

before remembering the wound would be there to greet her in slumber,


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