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  • Writer's pictureColleen Kristinsson

Thackey Poestar

Thackey Poestar was a constant worry to her mother. She insisted on climbing trees, catching frogs and trapsing through mud. What was even worse was, Thackey, no matter where they were always found an adventure to go on or a mystery to solve. Usually both. A good sleuth knows you do not solve mysteries alone and for that Thackey had Courage. Courage Astor was Thackey’s best friend. After all, how could you not love a girl called Courage. Courage’s hair reminded Thackey of Butterscotch which had caramelized at the tips, her eyes were a warm blue sky on a spring day, and she had a sweet welcoming smile which just made you want to hug her. Courage was as quiet as Thackey was loud, as sensible as Thackey was spontaneous, as book smart as Thackey was world wise but she was just as brave. On the first day they met Thackey hugged Courage and told her they would be best friends from that moment on until their dying breath then told her everything, she loved about her from her hair down to her star-spangled shoes in one breath. Courage took Thackey’s enthusiasm in her stride quietly yet firmly agreeing they were soul sisters and would remain so until the end of time.

Most people loved Thackey but also found her frustrating. Thackey was always joyful, fervently loving, and generous to a fault. She also, however, said exactly what she thought, did exactly what she liked, ran headlong into situations she should not and interfered constantly when something was wrong as she always believed she could fix things. Courage was not quite so bold, but she was still a concern as she always went along with Thackey’s adventures and helped her solve mysteries. When Mrs. Poestar first met Courage, she hoped the quiet book loving serious minded girl might be a grounding influence on Thackey but no such luck. Thackey and Courage made their parents continually apprehensive and frequently embarrassed their families in a time when girls should be seldom seen or heard.

It was the first day of school holidays and Thackey and Courage were looking for an adventure on this beautiful summer day. They decided to explore the old, abandoned house on the outskirts of town. The house had been there for as long as anyone could remember, and it was rumored to be haunted. Thackey was thrilled at the prospect of solving the mystery of the haunted house, but Courage was understandably hesitant.

As they approached the house, Thackey's excitement grew. "Can you feel it, Courage?" she exclaimed. "The mystery is calling us!"

Courage gulped nervously but followed Thackey inside the house. It was dark and musty, and cobwebs clung to every corner. Thackey's heart was racing as she led the way, determined to solve the mystery.

Suddenly, they heard a strange noise coming from upstairs. Thackey and Courage exchanged nervous glances, but Thackey bravely led the way up the creaky stairs. When they reached the top, they found themselves in a large room with a single window that let in the afternoon light. In the far corner of the room was a door that looked like it hadn't been opened in years. Thackey marched forward, eager to see what lay beyond it.

"Be careful, Thackey," Courage cautioned, her voice barely above a whisper.

Thackey turned and grinned at her friend. "Don't worry, Courage. We can handle anything that comes our way."

She pushed open the door and they both gasped. The room beyond was filled with old trunks, stacks of books, and piles of clothing. But what caught their attention were the strange symbols etched into the walls and floor. Thackey's heart pounded with excitement. This was no ordinary mystery.

As they began to investigate, they heard a sound behind them. They spun around to see a figure standing in the doorway. It was a tall man, dressed in a long black coat and a hat pulled low over his face.

Thackey and Courage froze, unsure of what to do. The man took a step forward, revealing a silver cane in his hand.

"What are you girls doing here?" he asked sternly.

Thackey took a step forward, her curiosity getting the best of her. "We were just exploring. We didn't mean any harm."

The man raised an eyebrow, studying the two girls closely. "You're not from around here, are you?"

Thackey and Courage shook their heads.

The man let out a deep sigh. "This place is dangerous. You should leave immediately and never come back."

Thackey's eyes widened. "Why? What's so dangerous about it?"

The man hesitated before speaking. "There are secrets here that should remain hidden. You girls don't want to get involved in things you don't understand."

Thackey and Courage exchanged a look. They knew they couldn't leave now. The mystery was too compelling.

"We have to know," Thackey said firmly. "What secrets? What's going on here?"

The man sighed and looked at them for a moment before speaking. "This house was owned by a powerful sorcerer who dabbled in the dark arts. He had a book with spells that could summon dark entities from other dimensions. The book was lost for years until it was recently discovered. Now, a group of individuals are trying to get their hands on it. They believe they can use it to gain ultimate power."

Thackey's eyes widened in horror. "That's terrible! We have to stop them!"

The man shook his head. "It's not that simple. They are dangerous people, and they will stop at nothing to get what they want. You girls need to leave and forget you ever came here."

But Thackey and Courage were not easily deterred. They were determined to solve the mystery and stop the group from getting their hands on the dangerous book. They thanked the man for his warning and left the abandoned house, their minds racing with plans of how to stop the group.

As they walked back to town, Thackey pondered their next move. "We need to find out who these people are and where they're hiding," she said. "We can't let them get their hands on that book."

Courage nodded in agreement; her eyes serious. "But we have to be careful. They could be watching us."

Thackey grinned. "That's the fun part! We'll have to be sneakier than they are."

Over the next few days, Thackey and Courage worked tirelessly to gather information on the group. They talked to locals, snuck into abandoned buildings, and eavesdropped on conversations. Finally, they discovered the location of the group's hideout: an old warehouse on the outskirts of town.

Thackey and Courage made their way to the warehouse, their hearts pounding with excitement and fear. They knew they were putting themselves in danger, but they couldn't let the group get their hands on the dangerous book of spells.

As they approached the warehouse, they saw a group of men standing outside. Thackey and Courage ducked behind a nearby dumpster, listening to their conversation.

"We need the book," one man said firmly. "We'll do whatever it takes to get it."

Thackey and Courage exchanged a worried glance. They knew they had to act fast.

Thackey came up with a plan. "We'll split up," she said to Courage. "You go around the back and try to find a way in. I'll distract them out front."

Courage nodded, and they split up. Thackey approached the group of men.

"Hey there!" she called out, her voice cheerful. "What are you guys up to?"

The men looked at her suspiciously. "None of your business," one of them growled.

Thackey didn't let their attitude deter her. She put on her most charming smile. "Oh, come on! I'm just curious. I heard there might be some interesting things going on around here."

The men exchanged a glance before one of them stepped forward, a sneer on his face. "You shouldn't be poking your nose where it doesn't belong, little girl."

Thackey's heart raced with fear, but she stood her ground. "I'm not afraid of you. And I know what you're looking for."

The men's eyes widened in surprise. "What are you talking about?"

Thackey smirked. "I know about the book. And I'm not going to let you get your hands on it."

The men moved closer, their expressions growing more hostile. But Thackey didn't back down. She was determined to stop them.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash from the back of the warehouse. Thackey turned to see Courage bursting through the door, her face flushed with excitement.

"We found it!" Courage exclaimed, holding up a dusty old book with strange symbols etched on the cover.

The men lunged forward, but Thackey and Courage were too quick for them. With the book in hand, they ran out of the warehouse and didn't stop until they were safely back in Thackey's house.

Breathless and exhilarated, they flipped through the pages of the book, marvelling at the powerful spells and incantations inside. They had saved the town from a group of dangerous people and discovered a mystery that would be told for generations to come.

As they sat there, basking in the glory of their triumph, Thackey turned to Courage and grinned. "What's our next adventure, Courage?"

Courage grinned back, already feeling the beginnings of a new mystery. "I don't know, Thackey. But I have a feeling it's going to be even more exciting than this one."

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