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  • Writer's pictureColleen Kristinsson

Special Witchy Days

Lost in the days of old

Are beings of natures royal birth

Whose hearts, souls and minds

Are in tune with the Earth

Tuatha De Dannan number few

Only a handful still believe

In Dana, Thor and Pan

Not in Adam and in Eve

Even though the five-point believers

Are faded or hidden away

The precious few who remember

Celebrate the special witchy days

First there is Samhain

The start of the witches year

Where the gods descend to the underworld

And the dead appear

Then the promised child is born

And we celebrate the birth of the sun

On the longest night of the year, Yule

We drink mead and have some fun

In August the fire festival

Sets the night ablaze

On Imbolc we honour Brigid

Who protects the cattle and the maize

Ostara is the time

We celebrate new life

We connect with earth’s energies

And in nature we delight

Then love comes knocking on our door

As Beltane doth appear

With roses red and candles pink

Our true love will appear

It is time to honour Lugh

Lammas has arrived

We thank this ever-loving god

For the bountiful harvest he provides

Mabon is the last

Celebrated in the witches year

It is time to look within ourselves

And remember why we’re here

These are the eight Sabbats

Upon the witches wheel

I celebrate them every year

With passion and with zeal

I remember all the old gods

Every one from A to Zee

And I will hold these divine sacred

So, Merry Met and Blessed Be

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