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  • Writer's pictureColleen Kristinsson

Santa's New Reindeer

Ho, Ho, Ho, did you hear?

Santa has two new reindeer

Twins named Flaxen and Dixon

Father Prancer, Mother Vixen

Jingle Bells ring in joy

For the little girl and boy

Too young yet to pull the sleigh

But they can’t wait for that day

For now, North Pole is home

But one day the two will roam

To places far and wide

Pulling the sleigh with presents inside

Santa will call out their names

With Rudolph they’ll play reindeer games

They’ll get to fly across the sky

And land on rooftops up high

Smiling faces they can’t wait to see

As presents are opened under the tree

But for now, they’ll cuddle their mum

And send out Christmas love to everyone.

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1 Comment

Apr 18, 2021

Very cute

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