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  • Writer's pictureColleen Kristinsson

Murder Your Darlings

Murder your darlings

The experts say

No overly descriptive frilly prose

Nothing ostentatious or grandiose

Not too heavy on the expose

That is not the proper way

Don’t dangle your participles around

Put that irregular preposition down

Comma’s are not to be ignored

Stop overusing metaphors

Clichés should really not be found

Adjectives should not abound

‘Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?’

A metaphor, one might say

Isn’t that one of those?

It’s only Shakespeare

What does he know?

Not much the professionals would say

That hack should be on his way

‘It is an age to actively seek wisdom’

Dickens wrote, he did

That can’t be right

It’s a split infinitive

From correct grammar

He did roam

Put down your pen down and go home

When Poe said that he was napping

And the Raven came gently rapping,

So, faintly tapping

Was he aware his tautological gaffing

would stop him from going far

In literary circles Poe

One might ask who you think you are

So, great writers

That makes three

Who by all rights

Should not be

Will success be found

in the advice of experts unrenowned?

I prefer Shakespeare, Dickens and Poe

Therefore, my darlings will not go.

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1 comentário

18 de abr. de 2021

so clever

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