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  • Writer's pictureColleen Kristinsson

Mabon/Autumnal Equinox 2023

It is Mabon 20th March 2023 – a time of balance and a time to be grateful for all I have been given. I am grateful for my husband, children, dog and other people in my life who love me for being exactly who I am and who understand me. I am also grateful for the roof over my head, the food in my stomach and the good pain free days. I am even grateful for the days when I have pain although I would prefer to be without it. Painful days mean I am still alive and get to be in this world with people I love and that is something to rejoice in.

My life I could do with more balance in the area of health and physical fitness – move and exercise more. I also need to explore my creativity further as I have turned a lot to television lately to entertain myself and let writing and other creative and intellectual pursuits fall by the wayside. Practicality has never been my strong suit but perhaps some focus on that side would give my life more meaning and purpose.

I still, However, believe following your bliss and leaning into only what your body, heart and mind fully says yes to is the best advice. Although, waiting to respond to what the world offers you can be boring and frustrating but as they say patience is a virtue and good things come to those who wait. I am, however, getting older so I hope I do not have to wait to long for more good things to come. I do not want to be greedy but a purpose and goal in life which makes me happy to do, successful and brings in money would be great as would good health, energy, vitality, genuine friendships and genius ideas, as well as our own home and enough money to be free to enjoy our lives and do whatever we want while helping others.

I know this sounds like a lot, but I am happy with what I have, this is just my hope and belief that all your and my dreams can come true. I wish everyone a happy Mabon and do not forget to rest so that you can be rejuvenated when spring comes. Blessings to all.

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