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  • Writer's pictureColleen Kristinsson


The heart space concept/description

Living from the heart space or living a heart centred life is all about being guided by what you feel in your heart. It is not about analysing everything or thinking things out logically. When you live in a heart centred way you know what speaks to your soul and you only embrace those people, things and ideas which encompass your core heart space values and concepts. Your heart space is that place inside you which does not judge, hold doubt or fear. When you come into contact with something, someone, or an idea in line with your heart space you will feel your chest swell, you will take a deep satisfying breath, you will get the feeling inside that your life is about to be expanded in some way. This does not mean whatever it is will not make you nervous, but this will be in a good, excited way not a terrified, I need to flee way. When you come into contact with something which is not in line with your heart space you will feel fear and not in a good way, you will feel doubt, you will feel physically uncomfortable, you will feel yourself shrinking and going within. To live a heart centred life you need to act, speak, think, and surround yourself with only the things and people that make your heart space expand and not contract. To live in a heart centred way, you need to understand what your heart space core values and concepts are so everything you do and have in life will stem from and be guided by these authentic traits.

Heart space values and core concepts.

These are values and concepts which are of great importance to you. They are ideas and concepts which play a vital role in your life and if you don’t have these ideas or concepts in your life you feel out of kilter. There are several ways you can understand what your own core heart space values and concepts are:

World Issues – Think about what you see out in the world which really upsets you. We are all upset by a lot of problems we see but which issues really pierce your heart? Are you particularly upset by racism, sexism or homophobia? If you are then equality is one of your core heart space values. If climate change causes you grief and tears at your heart every time you see it or read about the issue, then environmental awareness and being green are your heart space core values.

Charities – Not all of us have the money to be able to donate to charities but most of us know which charities we would donate to if we came into a lot of money or know which charities really move us inside when we hear about them. These charities give you clues to your heart centred values and concepts. If you won the lottery would you give your money to Save the Children? Then your heart centred value may be equal economy for all and one of your heart centred concept could be all children should be cared for equally or that no-one should live in poverty. You need to think about why that particular charity moves you more than other charities.

Life Experiences – Think about both the bad and good experiences you have had in your life. In terms of bad experiences consider the times when you were hurt the most by some person or situation. What was it about this particular person or situation that hurt you? Did they lie to you or betray you? If so, then honesty and loyalty are some of your core heart space values. In terms of positive experiences when were the times you felt the best? How did people treat you during those times? Did they help you or give you something you needed? Then kindness and generosity are some of your core heart space values.

Environment – Investigate your environment. What things do you surround yourself with? Is it books? If so, literacy is one of the heart space concepts you hold dear. Is it music? Then making sure the world has music to move them is a heart space concept for you. Do not only think about what the item is but why it moves you? Do you love books because they have beautiful words or because they tell amazing stories or because they teach you things? If, the answer is yes then language, storytelling and education are heart space concepts for you.

It is not just material items in your environment which can give you clues to your heart space concepts and values but also consider the people you surround yourself with who make you feel good and uplifted. What characteristics do they possess to make you feel that way? Are they always happy? Then joy is a heart space value or concept for you. Do the take life head on and with gusto? Then fearlessness and enthusiasm are heart space values for you.

Think about these ideas and then make a list of your heart space values and concepts. No-one or nothing should be allowed into your life who or which violates these concepts. Often when you feel misaligned it is because there is something in your life which does not marry with your core heart space values or concepts. You will know what and who these people or things are as you won’t feel quite right when they are around. Do you have a friend who is always making snarky comments about other people and thinks its funny and yet internally it makes you cringe? This might be because one of your core heart space values is non-judgement and yet you are hanging around with someone who judges negatively constantly. It is impossible to live through your heart space if there is something in your life which is forcing that heart space off centre. It is up to you, of course, but if you want to live your life in a heart centred way then it may be best to distance yourself from this person or limit your time together because when you are with them you are not the real you. We should always be living from our heart space. Everything we do, think, feel, and surround ourselves with should align with our core values and concepts as that is how we embrace living as our authentic selves.

I want to be clear here, all the things in your environment do not have to be light and fluffy nor do all the people. You may have a true heart centred love of horror movies and that is perfectly great. Think about why you love horror movies? Do they give you an adrenaline rush? Do they allow you to feel fear while knowing you are safe? Then perhaps your heart centred values and concepts are a sense of adventure, risk-taking in a secure environment or sharing stories through a visual medium. Perhaps you have a friend who is always serious and has a regimented routine, but it makes you feel good to be around them then you may have heart space values of discipline and sincere earnestness.

The material things, people, charities, life experiences and world issues which will give you clues to your heart space core values and concepts are ones which either expand you or uplift you. Clues can also be obtained from things which make angry, sad or frustrate you like the previously mentioned world issues or charities. The things in the world you believe need changing or fixing speaks to the heart of who you truly are. Embrace only the items, people and ideas which stem from these core heart space values and concepts and reject all else. This way you can live a truly heart centred life.

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