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  • Writer's pictureColleen Kristinsson

Imbolc - Welcome Brigid

I know a lot of people walking the pagan path downunder would be celebrating Lammas at this time of year unlike their northern counterparts who are celebrating Imbolc. I, however, view the Imbolc Sabbat as mainly a fire festival to welcome in the Celtic Goddess Brigid therefore it feels right to me to celebrate her when the sun is most fierce in Australia; this being the month of February. To me, Lammas feels more like a beginning of Autumn Sabbat, so I celebrate this in March. As a shaman, witch, pagan, occultist, multi-spiritual individual, which I have been for over 30 years, I practice in whatever ways resonates with my soul at whatever time resonates with me and suits my life. I believe faith is a very personal journey and you can only truly connect to the divine universe in a way which speaks to you otherwise you are just going through ritualised motions which mean nothing on a soul level.

At Imbolc endings and new beginnings are celebrated. Although it is not the time in Australia for the coming of spring, I still review my past year and make note of things which have passed from my life to make room for new and better things to come. I also write a list of new things I would like to come into my life this year and leave it on my Altar in order for these things to manifest.

As this is a celebration of the Celtic Goddess Brigid, I have a Bride (Brigid's) Doll which I made in years past which I place by the fireside in a little bed of blankets and pillows. I then go and open my front door and invite Brigid in and ask her to stay in my household for the night and bless us with her presence. Often on this day I will also make Bride's bread or scones, make Brigid's crosses and write poetry. In her triple aspect Brigid is the Goddess of fire, healing and poetry. As someone with Celtic ancestry I find Brigid speaks to me a lot throughout the year and I will share more about the Celtic Goddess Brigid with you in the next blog post. Below I share with you my Imbolc Book of Shadows page.




  1. Time of growth – land is awakening

  2. )0( fertility recognised

  3. Ŏ grows in strength


Cloth – White

Candles – Orange (scented with cinnamon, musk or rosemary oil)

Food – Onions, Chives, Leeks, Shallots, Garlic, Dairy, Bannock bread, bride cakes, soup & spicy food.

Objects – A poem you have written, statue of Goddess Brigid,

fire, robins, sheep, deer, groundhog, bear, badger, candle wheels, grain dollies, sun wheels & a white flower.

Crystals – Gold, any yellow or orange crystal.

INCENSE - Cinnamon, musk, rosemary or dragonsblood


Purification Bath

Dress in white with a floral wreath on your head

Cast 0 Light Candles Light Incense

“Brigid, Goddess, fiery one

Bring me the energy of your burning sun.

Light my life with your fire.

Bring to me all I desire.

With golden hair and arrow true

On Imbolc I honour you

For the warmth you bring to my days

I honour you now and always."

Gaze into the candle

Meditate on goals for the coming year.

Read your poem aloud and then lay it in the 0 for Brigid to bless it.

Close 0


  1. Spring Clean

  2. Pay Bills

  3. Sort out winter & summer clothing

  4. Light a candle in each room

  5. Eat dairy, spicy & full-bodied foods

  6. Picinic

  7. Make Bride's Bread

  8. Make Bride's Scones

  9. Make up a comfortable bed for the Goddess and invite her to spend the night.

  10. Make a Brigid's Cross

  11. Decorate your altar and house for Imbolc with objects suggested above

  12. Light a fire for Brigid (safely and legally)

  13. Journal on the past year and what you hope for the year to come

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