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  • Writer's pictureColleen Kristinsson

Hilarity Heals - Laughter Therapy

What is Laughter Therapy?

Laughter Therapy is the use of the physical act of laughter to elicit a psychological response. The physical act of laughter causes the chemical changes in the body that increases happiness. The ability to laugh at a situation gives a person power over it.

Benefits of Laughter

1. Humour and laughter can foster positive and hopeful attitudes

2. People are less likely to succumb to feelings of depression if they laugh about what is troubling them

3. Humour can give us a sense of perspective on our problems

4. Laughter provides people with a release for uncomfortable emotions which when kept inside can be harmful

5. Humour and laughter affect how we perceive and respond to change

6. A sense of humour can change an emotional response to stress

7. Humour can give people a change of perspectives on their problems with an attitude of detachment

8. Humour gives people a sense of control and help people feel protected in their environment

9. Humour can influence the mind by enhancing its ability to learn

10. Humour improves communication by capturing attention, enabling retentionf information, and releases tension that blocks communication

11. Laughter lowers blood pressure

12. Laughter lowers stress levels

13. Laughter increases muscle flexion

14. Laughter boosts immune functions by raising levels of T-cells, disease fighting proteins, Gamma and B-cells which produce disease destroying antibodies.

15. Laughter triggers the release of endorphins which produce a natural sense of wellbeing

16. Humour is a universal language


*Laughter therapy occurs in groups – the bigger the group usually the better so that the laughter is not inhibited by the client’s shyness. The group stands in a circle with the therapist as the anchor person in the middle. The therapist gives instructions to initiate different types of laughter and deep breathing exercises.

1. Breathing Exercises – Starts with breathing deeply five times. The people in the group take deep breaths while simultaneously raising their arms toward the sky keeping their elbows straight. The breath is then held for a few seconds while stretching the body then released slowly. This is good for relaxation and excellent preparation for the laughter exercises which follow.

2. Ho Ho Ha Ha Exercises – Everyone starts chanting Ho Ho Ha Ha with their arms slightly raised and bent at the elbows. The sound comes from the navel with the mouth half opened. This exercise is done in rhythm while swinging your arms back and forth. Slowly the speed of laughter increases until everyone bursts into laughter and throws their arms up to the sky.

3. Big or Hearty Laughter – This laughter is initiated by the therapist going 1, 2, 3 and then everyone lets out a long loud laugh.

4. Silent Laughter with mouth wide open – The mouth is opened as wide as possible and participants laugh without making any sound while looking at each other’s faces. Funny gestures are not only allowed but encouraged.

5. Humming Laughter with lips closed – Excellent for lungs and abdominal muscles

6. Medium Laughter – The most comfortable and relaxing laughter. Not too loud or too soft. People greet each other with this laughter.

7. Dancing Laughter – Laugh while jumping up and down. Good for physical and psychological health.

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