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  • Writer's pictureColleen Kristinsson

Healing with Higher Consciousness - Meditation Therapy

What is Meditation Therapy?

Meditation therapy is a daily life practise that is learnable. It combines the insights, research findings and approaches of cognitive and humanistic psychology, mind body medicine and biofeedback with a 5000-year-old system of embodied life meditation. It is used for promoting inner peace, longevity, clarity, growth, interpersonal harmony, life success, compassion, wisdom and healing.

Benefits of Meditation Therapy?

1. Develops insight into the interdependent dynamics any unconscious connexion between behaviours, thoughts, feelings, perceptions, body States and attitudes.

2. Changes unhealthy actions and dependencies into more wholesome life coping strategies and encourages life affirming responses.

3. align your meditation practise to facilitate thoughts and feelings that are useful in resolving and exploring skills in everyday life and relationships.

4. Teaches client control of obsessive thoughts, intense emotions and strong desires.

5. Enhances empathy, communication, self-awareness and listening skills.

6. increases appreciation for life, kindness towards others and encourages forgiveness.

7. Helps alleviate and control stress and pain and enhances positive sensations.

8. Lowers blood pressure.

9. Increases creativity, self-esteem, and spontaneity

10. Restores a passion for life goals

11. Returns the experience of wonderment at life.

Types of Meditation

1. Chakra Meditation - Open your seven chakra points in your mind one at a time and see them bright and clear in the colour that corresponds to that chapter point.

1. Crown Chakra – Top of the head – White

2. Third Eye Chakra – Middle of the forehead – Violet

3. Throat Chakra – Dip in throat – Deep Blue

4. Heart Chakra – Where your heart is in your chest – Green

5. Solar Plexus Chakra – At the bottom your ribs the dip below and in the middle – Yellow

6. Sacral Chakra – Just below the Navel – Orange

7. Root Chakra – At the base of the spine – Red

Good for getting rid of negative energy and illness in the energy body before it manifests in the physical body.

2. Golden Mirror Meditation – See a large gold leafed edged mirror in your mind. When you look into the mirror see your ideal version of yourself living the ideal life you would like to lead then step into the mirror. You are stepping into your ideal self and life.

Good for self-confidence, self-esteem, self-awareness, and goal setting.

3. Blue Cloud Meditation – Imagine yourself on a warm, blue cloud snuggled down peacefully asleep.

Good for relaxation, feelings of security, comfort, love, and help going to sleep.

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