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  • Writer's pictureColleen Kristinsson

Full Moon in Virgo - Poem

Full moon in Virgo tonight

It is about setting everything right

Completion in your week, your day

Getting everything squared away

The Vestal Virgins begin their walk

While you must watch how you talk

As Mercury stands over you

Say what you say and do what you say you will do

Worms wriggle to the surface now

While crows caw and wolves’ howl

To reveal who you truly are

And how you have come so far

Examine your very soul

Are you doing what makes you whole?

Are you healing parts which are broken?

Tending to personal issues unspoken?

Journal, divine, chant, sing

Find out who you are within

Care for your body, mind, and spirit

Not just for you, let the whole world hear it

Speak your truth

Even if your nervous

Not from arrogance

But a place of service

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