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  • Writer's pictureColleen Kristinsson

Curative Cuddles - Touch Therapy

What is Touch Therapy?

Touch therapy is using the sense of touch for healing purposes; both physical and psychological. The oldest document describing the use of touch for healing is the Huang Ti Nei Ching written about 5000 years ago in China. Touch therapy was used widely in ancient Greece to heal and assist people who wanted to attain higher consciousness.

Benefits of Touch Therapy

1. Touch serves as a universal communicator

2. Infants need touch to thrive especially premature babies

3. Reduces anxiety

4. Lessens depression

5. Enhances positive mood

6. Decreases stress

7. Facilitates performance on math tasks

8. Fewer doctors’ visits and less medication are taken by people who receive regular massages

9. Increases the desire to partake in social activities

10. Hospitals report less baby blues for mothers who have regular massages soon after giving birth

11. Reduces pain

12. induces sleep

13. increases feelings of happiness

14. Touch helps develop body awareness which is a source of self-esteem. It leads to good feelings about oneself which leads to higher self-esteem.

15. Helps develop a sense of security

16. Brings about bonding and loving feelings

Two Types of Touch Therapy – Massage and Hugging

History of Massage

In 2700 BC a medical text called the Nei Ching described massage as a treatment technique. In ancient Greece massage was said to be one of the physicians’ primary skills and Roman physician Celsus wrote eight books on massage and its therapeutic and preventative effects.

Benefits of Massage

1. Massage is preventative - it prevents tension from building up in the body

2. Relieves pain and tension especially from the shoulder and neck area, also headaches.

3. Improves sleep

4. Relieves Constipation

5. Increases circulation in your blood which assists in your blood cleansing processes

6. Improves immune function

7. Contributes to feelings of comfort and relaxation

8. Redirects attention away from worry

9. Relaxes mental focus

10. increases mental alertness, clarity, and creativity

11. Helps us feel cared about

12. Increases safety, openness, and trust

13. increases awareness of one's own feelings and needs

14. Provides opportunity for emotional release - our muscles contain memories often ones which make us anxious or sad, but massage can release these emotions

15. Engenders greater acceptance of self and others – during a massage people feel supported, valued, and cared about. These feelings lead to self-acceptance.

16. Massage removes the “stuck” energy which causes us to feel resentful or judgmental of others

Types of Massages

1. Head and Neck Massage - good for getting rid of headaches and relieving tension

2. Shoulder Massage - good for back pain and relaxation

3. Scalp Massage - Good for relaxation and mental stimulation. Helps induce sleep.

4. All over Body Massage - Good for relaxation and opening up communication.

Hug Therapy

What is Hug Therapy?

Hug therapy is the use of hugs for healing purposes. Doctors in California say we need 12 hugs a day to survive and thrive. Hug therapy was first used with autistic children to teach them basic trust and reality concepts. Hug therapy spread from there, Finland even has a hugging association. Doctor Benjamin Spock said many troubled youths suffer from lack of affection and if they were hugged more often many of their undesirable behaviours would eradicate. Hug therapy is only to be used with the permission of the client and the client gets to set the guidelines. Therapists must be very sensitive to what the client would feel is appropriate.

Benefits of Hug Therapy

1. Necessary for your physical and emotional wellbeing

2. Reduces stress

3. Alleviates depression

4. Induces sleep

5. Invigorates

6. Rejuvenates

7. Makes people feel happier

8. Relieves Pain

9. A universal way to communicate

10. Bolsters the will to live

11. Makes us feel better about ourselves and our surroundings

12. Has a positive effect on language development and IQ

13. Dispels loneliness

14. Makes you feel good

15. Helps overcome fears

16. Helps you feel secure

17. Improves blood circulation

18. Slows down the aging process

19. Helps curb the appetite

20. Elevates self esteem

21. Imparts feelings of belonging

22. Creates a bond

23. Promotes unconditional acceptance

24. Is reassuring especially for Alzheimer’s patients

Types of Hugs

1. Bear Hug – Good for two individuals of disproportionate sizes. Excellent for saying “You are terrific” or “You can count on me”

2. A Frame Hug – Brief hug for a stranger. Good for beginners as it shows just the right amount of warmth and caring

3. The Cheek Hug – A tender hug which can be executed in either the sitting or standing position. Ideal for sharing joy. Also good for saying “I am sorry you are disappointed.”

4. The Group Hug – Great for friends and group therapy. It shows support, security, affection, unity and universal belonging.


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