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  • Writer's pictureColleen Kristinsson

Bullet-Stained Girl

Bullet-stained girl standing in desolate streets

Fleeing from a home you may nevermore see

Shrapnel shards in your soft warm bed

Where once your mother soothed your feverish head

Bullet-stained girl where will you run?

Where can you hide from Putin and his guns?

Lead filled house your once safe place

Now terror-filled with Military faces

Bullet-stained girl do you still have dreams?

Or are you just focused on survival by any means?

In your deepest heart do you still dance and sing?

Do you dress like a fairy and pretend to have wings?

Bullet-stained girl you are so far away

But I still think of you every day

I think of how scared you must be

I know because you are just like me

Bullet-stained girl I want to hold your hand

And walk you through your war-torn land

I want to see you safe and free

So you can dream again like me

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