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  • Writer's pictureColleen Kristinsson

Brigid and Manu Healing Spell

I know this week I said the second blog would be about the Celtic Goddess Brigid but because I have been unwell, I thought I would share a Brigid and Manu healing spell created by me.

This spell is for informational purposes only if you choose to use it you do so at your own risk and no responsibility will be taken by the author for your actions. If, however, you do make the choice to use it I hope it helps you heal.


Candles - 3 Green and 3 Blue

Moon- Waning

Day - Monday

Incense - Lemon Balm

Herbs - Rosemary, Cinnamon and Peppermint

Crystals - Amythest, Rose Quartz and Moon Stone

Tarot Cards - Sun, Strength and Temperance

God - Manu

Goddess - Brigid

Creatures - Snake, Centaur and Bear (use statues, pictures or oracle cards)

Rune - UR - this should be drawn in blue on a piece of green paper big enough to hold the crystals.

Food & Drink - Green Apple and Red Wine (I used non-alcoholic red wine but it is up to you)

Call the quarters as you usually would in your spells - if people want to know how I call quarters let me know and I will write a blog about it.

Call on Goddess Brigid

Say - "Brigid Goddess of the sun.

Come to me O' glorious one.

Burn away illness and pain.

Do not let it come again".

Cut the apple so it shows a pentagram at its core then lift it to the sky offering it to the goddess then when you feel she has accepted your offering take a bite of the apple. Then lift the goblet of wine and offer it to the goddess when you feel she has accepted your offering take a sip of the wine.

Call on God Manu

Say - "God, Manu, of the sea.

Mighty God come to me.

Wash away what is no longer needed.

So, that my prayers are heeded".

Offer the apple to Manu when you feel he has accepted your offer take a bite of the apple. Then offer the wine to Manu when you feel he has accepted the offer take a sip of the wine.

Pick up each crystal in turn and hold them to your chest. Each time you do this say -

"Moonstone, Rose Quartz and Amythest

Heal me, do your very best."

Then pick up each creature in turn and then hold them to your body, each time say -

"Centaur, bear and snake

Healed my body make".

Draw the Rune UR in blue on a piece of green paper big enough to hold the crystals. Put the crystals on the paper with the rune on it and then sprinkle the herbs over them and then wrap the crystals with the paper or if easier can put it all in a spell bag and say -

"All guides gathered here.

Place healing in the atmosphere

Imbue these items with your power.

So, I improve every hour".

Keep the spell bag or paper on your altar until you are feeling better.

Thank Goddess Brigid - say -

"Brigid Goddess of the sun

Thank you now the spell is done".

Raise both arms in the air to praise and thank the Goddess Brigid

Thank God Manu - say -

" Manu, God of the sea

Thank you for bringing your power to me".

Raise both arms in the air to thank the God Manu

"This spell is done.

So, mote it Be".

Close your circle as you normally would for a spell.

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